Kinka Izakaya [Ponyta]

September 5th, 2017

Hey there, people!
How’re you doing? As this post will be the first one that publishes in the year from me on this blog, I’d like to wish you all a (belated) HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope this new chapter in our collective lives will be an amazing one, that it’ll be full of successes and, if it has to be full of obstacles, well, that at least you will be equipped to slay these obstacles, and, if you find you do not have it in you to do it, well, take your time: just like Rome wasn’t built in one day, an obstacles doesn’t have to take you one day to vanquish! Take your time! Relax! Don’t overwork yourselves!

All right, I should start with my post:


So the other day, I had a free afternoon after Work 2, so I decided to hang out with my friend, just to hang out, because somehow, for some unknown reason, my friend wasn’t tired of hanging out with me yet [arguably, I don’t think we’ll be seeing each other much anymore, since work is gonna start to over flood my schedule…?!?! But we’ll see, I hope we get to hang out more, so I can visit more restaurants, because I need these things to give myself the EXCUSE for it, haha].


As you all know, I come from the South Shore, which means that it is slightly more difficult for me to go to many of these renowned restaurants. Nonetheless, Kinka Izakaya, I found, is pretty well situated. It is close to Concordia University, which means, as usual, that it’s very well within walk-able distance from Bonaventure Station. This fact comes in handy, as usual, seeing as you don’t need to spend more on the public transport fare, and you get to walk a little bit. It works up an appetite to when you actually reach the restaurant itself!

For a person who lives on the Montreal Island, you can take the bus or the metro to Guy-Concordia Station, of course, in order to take go there.



The presentation of the menus was so pretty, seriously, and it was pretty glossy too. It looked a little bit like an album [I think the printed pages were put into nice plastic sleeves, so it protects the pages pretty well and it keeps their menu clean, for sure], and it was so clean [again, I can’t emphasize more on how pretty it looked compared to a lot of other menus I’ve seen before], it was a pleasure to read through and to flip around.

Seeing as you know I love soups, I decided to try out the Kimchi Nabe, which was really pretty good! It was served in the pot itself, and it was so deliciously spicy [I absolutely loved it]. I don’t remember what my friend got, but it was also pretty good. 

Meanwhile, at another table with her own friends, who just happened to choose the same restaurant, Flareon chose a tartar for herself. Her comments on that was that: “it was pretty small and extremely spicy”. She absolutely loved it and the only thing she felt was that it was a bit expensive for the little portion she had.



The ambiance of Kinka Izakaya is pretty good, in my opinion. Of course, the guests were also very respectful and didn’t speak too loudly. And the music really wasn’t that bad either, I didn’t notice it and it definitely didn’t impede my enjoyment of the soup I ate, or the conversations I had with my friend.

The seats, although made out of wood, I found, were very comfortable in my opinion [although I feel like I haven’t had a bad experience with the wooden benches and seats recently, so maybe it’s not worth mentioning anymore?], and it really helped that the tables were so clean and nice [it’s a common theme in the whole restaurant, actually, so clean… so cool… so nice…]. Additionally, I really liked the intricate wooden… bars (?) in front of the windows? It really makes the ambiance unique in terms of the other restaurants I’ve been to [I haven’t been to that many, so take that with a grain of salt].

The waiters and waitresses (?) were also very good and nice, and patient [I know full well that they are supposed to be, but I feel like it’s something that should be highlighted! They do a good job at making you feel welcome, so they bump up the score by a lot!!]! So it was really cool that way as well.


Technical Details 

ponyta_blackwhite_animated_back_shinyAll right, that’ll have to be it out of me today,
I’ve been dishing out these reviews all day just to keep the blog going for the next couple of months, so… I’m (understandably) a bit tired,
I’ll see you all next month for a next post!
Take good care of yourselves!
See you all next time!

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